CPD Courses


Tricel Weston and Tricel Lanark offer CPD courses that assist in the career development of engineers, M&E consultants, architects and specifiers within the water tank industry.

Our CPD courses are designed to increase the skills and knowledge base for all those that register.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or use our quote form

talk tanks, today.

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Space & Base Specification

With 1/5 of aborted site visits resulting from inaccurate space and base access requirements this course gives Engineers, M&E Consultants & Specifiers a complete guide to help them successfully specify a water tank.

When the base specification is wrong this causes delays in the project schedule. This is because inadequate base specification can result in leaks on the water storage tanks.

Instructors: Tricel Lanark

Course Format: Presentation Guide

Learning Type: Self-Learning

Course Time Frame: 2 hours

Sectional Water Tanks 101

The changes and advancements within the industry make it crucial for Engineeers, M&E Consultants & Specifiers to remain updates on the best practices and close any knowledge gaps.

This course will enhance the knowledge and skills on correctly configuring and specifying a sectional water tank. As a result all those that register will benefit from an improved specification process and increase the success rate of projects.

Instructors: Tricel Weston

Course Format: Presentation Guide

Learning Type: Self-Learning

Course Time Frame: 2 hours

Register for CPD Course

Fill in the form below to register for either of our Tricel Weston – Sectional Tanks 101 or Tricel Lanark – Space & Base Specification courses

CPD Certified Course

Market Leading GRP Manufacturer

As an expert manufacturer and supplier of GRP Water Storage Tanks, Tricel aims to continuously provide industry professionals with valuable skills and expertise on space and base specifications, industry regulations, tank design and sizing.

We have an article which highlights what CPD is and what it means for Tricel. The article explores the key talking points in our courses and the benefits it will have for engineers, consultants, specifiers and architects.

Tricel CPD Course
50 years in business

A highly successful multinational corporation with over 50 years’ valuable industry experience

Fully Customisable Tanks

Tanks available for all capacities, 43 litres to 4,651,290 litres. Larger tanks available on request

Fast Delivery

On-time delivery is a core requirement of our successful business operations