Fire Suppression Systems


Fire suppression systems are becoming widely used as a form of fire protection for commercial and industrial settings, safeguarding valuable resources, facilities and personnel. These systems have built-in components designed to detect fires quickly, automatically set off an alarm and communicate the shutdown of all equipment and power supplies.

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Automatic Fire Suppression System

We are experienced with using modular fire suppression systems at facilities where we can not supply any extinguishing agent for fire suppression. Additionally, a modular fire suppression system does not require any complex installation. After conducting a site survey, our expert Tricel site crews will determine the best fire protection solution to meet your needs.inflammable, sign, hazardous-24043.jpg

Automatic fire suppression systems have a component that detects heat and smoke, but they can also be manually activated if the automated system fails. The main advantage of these automatic fire suppression systems is that they do not rely on human activation in cases where a fire breaks out, and there is no personnel on site to activate the systems. Commercial and industrial businesses operating in remote locations that are not easily accessible are encouraged to use automatic fire suppression systems including fire sprinkler tanks.

Industrial plants housing flammable liquids or many electrical equipment can benefit from lower insurance premium rates by installing automatic fire suppression systems. Insurance companies typically look favourably on businesses with such preventative measures in place.

Fire Sprinkler SYSTEMS

Sprinkler fire suppression systems are the most sought-after and effective automatic fire suppression system. They have an automatic feature triggered when a room reaches a specific temperature. Sprinkler systems have a network of pipes transporting water from the water tank to the sprinkler system.

Fire suppression systems and sprinkler systems are each used as a method of suppressing and extinguishing fires. The difference between fire suppression systems and sprinkler systems is that fire suppression systems do not rely on water and are more suited to industrial environments where combustible gas or oils are used.

Sprinkler systems have a distinct advantage because they can reach restricted spaces when water is sprayed out of the sprinklers. Any obstructed area or objects will be sprayed. Traditional sprinkler systems are not generally used today because they cannot function with water below 0°C, which would damage the pipes supplying the suppression system. Dry fire sprinkler systems are favoured more because they fill pipes with compressed air, which exits through the valves.

It is recommended that licensed and certified companies maintain sprinkler systems to simultaneously ensure that all components remain under the regulations outlined for fire safety measures.


We supply misting water tanks manufactured to support your water mist fire suppression by storing the emergency water supply required for the misting system to operate. With a misting system, there are no concerns of water damage occurring.

A water mist fire suppression system’s benefit is that its power is based on the water droplets turning into vapour. The tiny water droplets absorb the heat from the fire and any toxic gases. The fire is then deprived of an oxygen supply, slowing down any chance of the fire spreading. Simultaneously, the flames are cooled by the water droplets. This makes misting systems a reliable fire safety system.

50 years in business

A highly successful multinational corporation with over 50 years’ valuable industry experience

Fully Customisable Tanks

Tanks available for all capacities, 43 litres to 4,651,290 litres. Larger tanks available on request

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On-time delivery is a core requirement of our successful business operations